
Wastewater Permitting

Permits contain specific requirements that limit the pollutants in discharges. They also require dischargers to monitor their wastewater to ensure that it meets all requirements. Wastewater dischargers must maintain their treatment facilities, and treatment plant operators must be certified.

Wastewater Discharge Permitting System also known as the NEUF permitting system primarily based on powers and function of P.D. 984 (Pollution Control Law), Section 6 letters (c), (d) and (g).


  • NPDES Waste Water Permitting
  • Industrial Waste Water Discharge Permitting
  • Grab Sample Analysis
  • Treatment Application
  • Industrial Waste Management
  • Recycled Waste Water Permits
  • Pretreatment Permits
  • Self-Monitoring Systems
  • Septic Systems